I know friends and colleagues at the foremost Academic Health Science Centre south of the Thames, but north of the Surrey Downs, east of the M3 but not as far as the sea: King’s Health Partners, often wonder and worry about what their CAGs (Clinical Academic Groups) are. CAGs say the KHP authorities are how the AHSC is going to be organised around clinical areas.
But the real people on the ground, and not the people who are paid to pontificate, wonder about these strange things called CAGs. What is their purpose? How long do they last for? And is there an end in sight?
Militant Manager can offer them some solace, and explanation. MM was able to understand what a CAG was not by reading the KHP website; but by reading about the Scott Polar Expedition of 1910-13. It was in the book by Apsley Cherry-Garrard titled “The Worst Journey in the World” that MM came across what constituted a CAG.
The definition can be gleaned from the following paragraph, taken from page 194 on “The First Winter.” This was a narrative of what the first winter in the freezing cold (Cancer CAG can understand this) was like.
“One great danger threatened all our meals in this hut, namely that of a Cag. A Cag is an argument, sometimes well informed and always heated, upon any subject under the sun or temporarily in our case, the moon. They ranged from the Pole to the Equator, from the Barrier to Portsmouth Hard and Plymouth Hoe. They began on the smallest of excuses, they continued through the widest field, they never ended; they were left in mid air, perhaps to be caught again and twisted and tortured months after.”
I know colleagues at King’s Health Partners can well sympathise with this definition of a CAG. It is certainly more representative of the Dental CAG than the official description. Who in the CardioVascular CAG will not argue that they are only sometimes well informed.
And it was all foretold almost 90 years ago.
KHP colleagues will also understand why the book is called “The Worst Journey in the World” and why despite heroic leadership, and superhuman effort, the Polar Party all perished. I hope that the perishing in KHP’s case is purely metaphorical.