Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Most popular Militant Manager posts in 2011

These were the most read stories in 2011, with the number of unique people reading them during that year.  Please note that the number of unique readings are an underestimate of true readers (the majority of viewers go directly to the main Militant Manager blog page - - and cannot be attributed to any one article without detailed analysis.  And as we know NHS Managers are not capable of doing any analysis).

1.  Noble resignation or convenient excuse to focus on greener pastures 279 views
This readership is surprisingly large given the article was only posted on 13 December, and so only had 3 weeks in 2011.

2. Why consultants need more natural predators 270 views
Another post that focused mainly on issues related to doctors.  Interestingly, when I started the blog, my view was that it would be more read by managers.  But it seems that the blog is far more read by doctors . . .

3.  More Del boys will become GPs  124 views
Another issue focused on doctors, and looking at the subtle effect of the health reforms on the composition of GPs.  I must point out that I neither support nor condemn these effects - I am just pointing them out.

4.  The similarities between car design and NHS structures  111 views
The most popular article focused on management issues.  I thought this article deserved greater readership, but it was not to be.  Maybe it will develop a cult following.

5.  The point of Academic Health Science Centres 97 views
On the whole, my more tongue-in-cheek articles (on Clare Gerada, on Bruce Keogh, on Cynthia Bower, David Nicholson, and Richard Smith) did not rouse great interest.  This was the exception.  Probably because Academic Health Science Centres, like Secure Facilities, do not have a point.

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